Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A day in the life of a returning Expat....

Okay so we are here in Nuremberg, Germany.  It is rather cold and rainy. I have spent the last few days reading and translating the everyday tools of life; the washer, the dryer, the microwave ( I will get to that later), the oven and few other things. Yikes a lot of work!

The first day was good..we had an appointment in town for our residency permits, so when we got there early, we stopped for a cup of coffee.  The best part of Germany is the Milche Kaffee, outside in the lovely coffee shops.  I must admit this was the best Milche Kaffee I have had yet!  I also walked 5 blocks for a bit of groceries, only to remember, after getting there, that you NEED to bring your own bags. Well I NEEDED groceries so I carried them home in my hands.  A bit funny walking down the street with a head of lettuce, some cheese, cookies and few odd's and ends in my hands but well I got the groceries didn't I?  Next time I won't forget the bag!

So the microwave...this morning when we got up I thought it would be nice to make David an egg.  I found a little dish and rubbed some butter in it, I don't know if they have "Pam" here yet. I dropped in an egg, scrambled it and popped it into the microwave.  Punched in what I thought was a min. and waited.  Upon opening the door I notice a bright red glow on the top of the microwave.  Hmmm is that what the grill sign means - this microwave grills as well as microwaves?  So I punched in another 30 sec and this time figured out how to just microwave the runny middle of David's gourmet egg! Success. So after he left for work, I wrote down everything in German from the microwave on a paper and headed toward the computer to figure it all out.  Job well done, well until the next time.

So the week is off to... well a start, let's see what the rest of the week brings.

Until next time tschuss (informal good-bye)
Regen, regen, wo ist mein regenschirm?
(Rain, rain, where is my umbrella?)

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