Friday, September 16, 2011

It won't be long now....

Since I have been in Germany I haven't really had to think about the upcoming wedding of our youngest daughter.  A winter wedding in January. Snow, diamonds, pine cones, Winter Wonderland. When she announced her engagement, Germany was not even on the horizon...After paying for two college tuitions and knowing we would have two wedding to pay for I decided hey I have nothing but time I can Do It Myself.  After all, with my art and design background it should be a snap....move ahead and here I am sitting in German while everything I had worked on is sitting back in the US of A. I will return in a couple of weeks to meet (and make final payments UGH) to the caterer, the band, the photographer (nope I can't do it myself the girls and husband refuse it), and the florist.  So far I have all the church and reception flowers done, Mercury glass pained, rhinestones set, ribbons threaded, table decorations, invitations, bells, table cards (1/2 done), chairs covers and sashes......hmmm what am I forgetting?  But so much more needs to be tended too.  We are hoping to be back again in December to "finish  things up". Am I panicking yet?  Why no, not at all. A ha...just  a little...well only on some days....okay yes, yes I guess I am.
Unity candles

pew bows...needs fluffing
large tree for escort card table

Mercury glass vases...with many hand placed rhinestones ugh!!
1/2 the tables will have these candles on a brown satin runner with snow on white table clothes

extra mercury vases for gift table, etc....

1/2 reception tables will have this (with candles and aqua lites) with snow and a satin brown runner on white table clothes

invites, table cards, save the date, and the other 1/2 table decorations

bells to ring for the the new couple when they  leave
two of these large arrangements for the church

Okay then Bring it ON....still so much to do but I think I have rested long enough let's get it up those irons we have a lot of chair covers and sashes to iron!!!!

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