Thursday, August 18, 2011

I think I need a drink!

I am getting to old for new things. Okay I am not THAT old but really. Why do I do these things to myself.  I decided it was time to go get my hair cut and colored, yes I color my hair it doesn't grow in blonde and brown strips but I won't say it more than once.

Just look at the size of the plug!  220 is what your washer runs on
To start with I burned the heck out of the hair on the top of my head right after coming over here.  Germany has a much higher voltage than the US when it comes to appliances.  You would have thought when we lived in Dusseldorf and I melted my US curling iron, literally had to throw it out it smelled so bad, I would have learned a lesson but no.  I had gone out and bought a Germany curling iron, one that takes 220 or whatever it is over not 110!  And proceeded to burn a nice little patch on the very top of my head.  Instant curl!  Anyway I have a tendency to get sidetracked....after being here a month it was time.  I found a place across the street. A bit on the pricey side but the clientele coming and going seemed to look pretty good when they were done, so I stopped in for an appointment. Luckily there were a couple of young cosmopolitan looking girls that spoke English, well sort of, and I made my appointment.

This morning at 9:55 I walked across the street with my stomach in a knot.  I kept thinking what if my hair turns that lovely shade of Germany red that I see on all the older ladies or worse yet falls out or burns up?!  And what if it is cut too short and I look like a boy, well that can at least be addressed and as David so lovingly said "who do you see here anyway?"  Really he has apparently never been a 40 something year old women living in a foreign country needing a dye job! I sat under my black cloak with my hands folded in prayer for 2 hours. Yup you got it. They didn't put me under the hairdryer which I guess is good, with my luck I would have gone up in flames!  So after 20 min of not enough change they bring out this thing on wheels and roll it up behind me.  It was  a heat lamp but honestly it felt like someone left the door open in Texas on a 100 degree day.  Yet it worked and my hair did not burn up or turn red!  Thank goodness for small wonders.

An hour later and a lot shorter, I was done.  A total of 3 and 1/2 hours. I know I said I don't do anything over here but I didn't mean NOTHING...well okay maybe nothing but I was starving and was eager to get home to my Mango-Cucumber salad before it spoils, but that is a whole different blog. grin grin.

I went to pay praying it wasn't more than what I was quoted the day before - it was and I almost had a heart attack.  David keeps telling me it is funny money (the money here is all different sizes and colors) and don't even try to do the exchange rate or you will blow a fuse! Soup is 5 American bucks a can here!  Okay so I give her my card and punch in my pin and it is FALSCH...good grief I feel like thief. I try again FALSCH.  I tell them not to worry I have cash...which I did but was hiding for my clothing money.  Sorry David but a girl has to have "sock money".  Now my stomach is really flipping out.  She says "don't you have it written down?" and I say n"No I use it all the time."  So if I try again and it doesn't work will the German police come and take me away or worse yet lose my card? Forget it...I dig into my secret stash and empty it completely out. Plus the 50 Euro he tells me to keep in case of an emergency and this in my opinion is quite the emergency.

I am now officially POOR!  But hey I look pretty good!
Oh you have to love living abroad! so at least the Wine is really cheap over here!  Prost. Zum Wohl!

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