Tuesday, August 2, 2011

While sitting on the bench waiting with the others....

It was a rather funny start to the day.  I needed a few groceries so I ventured into town.  I decided before getting the groceries maybe I should go all the way into the Alt Stadt for the paper I so desperatly needed and could not find.  I grabbed my cloth bags (not going to forget twice!) and off I went.  A bit too early I must add....so

...as I sit on the bench under the shadow of the spires from St. Lorenz Kirche an older German women wonders down the road. It was something out of an old movie. Dressed in her light blue housedress with pink sweater, brown vest and multi colored old fashioned apron you couldn't help but look.  Under the long skirt peeking out where the most amazingly colored long socks!  She wobbled back and forth as she made her way down the street.  She is what my mother would call saftig (which I always thought meant "large, German women"). Come to mind out I don't think it means anything. I imagined she was off to the market in the middle of her house work for the day's vegetables.  I had walked into town to do the shopping and apparently gotten there a bit too early so I took my seat on the bench and waited.  I have at least a half hour to wait and looking around the bench I am sitting on I am a bit out of sorts.  All my friends are about 20 years older than me. hmmm Oh I hope I brought some change...it is along walk home and if I don't have change I can't use the WC.You need to tip the attendents in the restrooms here!

My bench is getting quite full now. You would think we were waiting to rush the store for some sort of HUGE sale or somthing. Ten minutes to go, as I notice my Haus Frau wondering back up the road with newspapers tucked under her arm, her apron pockets appear to be quite full with who knows what.  Oops now we are lining up at the door...wouldn't want to wait to go in now would we?

Well that was a success. I found paper, of course I had to ask and a vegetable peeler and a couple of really nice red wine glasses.  We got a bit tired of drinking our red wine out of juice glasses!  So off to the clothing stores for a few new scarves.  They are wonderful to have, given the weather is hot and cold all the time.  Guilty little pleasure to go with the shoes he he.  Then back towards home for tonight's dinner.  I was thinking I should stop by the bakery near the house and pick up my daily bread and maybe a little treat.  Apfelstrudel bitte?

So here is the little bag that all German's carry.  It contains the yummy bakery item inside. So seeing as I am in Germany and trying to acclimate I must have one.  Okay then Apfelstrudel it is!

hmm One should not live up hill from town when one must walk into town everyday! The walk = nice legs, the strudel = ...well, big rump!

till next time
I am off to eat my strudel tschoss.

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