Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm just saying...

even with an English chapter in the user guide
I have a hard time with this lovely ofen
Nuts! I am just saying it is nuts.  Did you ever have one of those days where everything was a bother?  Well let me tell you!  I woke up last night and the clock said 0:43, (okay so what the heck happened to the hours?) the temperature in my Haus is 28  and my dinner cooked at 190.  Everything just seems to be so much work.  Well, when it is one of those days! Then there is the constant 6 hour time change I need to think about from here to there, the broken wine glass, the table runner I shrunk and faded because I put the washer on 40, not kalt. grrrr, and did I mention it is HOT in here.  It is not even 10 in the morning yet.  Well at least until 12 I don't have too double take the clock ha ha. I walked home with 3 large bags of heavy groceries, my bed is too close to the floor, there are NO screens on the windows and I keep trying to catch the little bugs that they don't supposedly have here ha ha.  It isn't so bad but one needs to vent once in a while and well I guess this is my once in a while!

I was a bit afraid to clean up the glass I broke because - one should not run the sweeper during quiet hours 13 -18. But run the sweeper I did, because it would have been much louder if I had stepped on one of the million pieces of glass.  It hit the granite counter top and when I went to catch it, yes I know now that it is NEVER a good idea to catch a broken glass, I cut my finger. I really couldn't believe there wasn't a piece bigger than a large fingernail.  Good grief. Thoughts of trying to find a doctor in this town rushed through my head as I saw my finger bleeding. "Only a flesh wound silly put a Band-aid on it and get on with it!" I bought a new toilet bowl freshener and silly me tried to take the plastic wrap off, who knew it wan't suppose to come off.  In a country where you literally separate the wrapping from the cheese.The paper peels away from the plastic and then you put them in different containers to recycle. Why on earth would you wrap a toilet cleaner in plastic?  Because it washes away silly!

I did however remember to bring my own bags and my Euro coin.  If you don't have a coin you will not be able to free one of the carts to grocery with.  I do love the carts as all 4 wheels are independent and it is quite easy to slide it around - hold on...bug - I need to catch in-front of the computer screen....missed it. Where was I, oh yes the runaway carts.  They are quite a joy when you are in a mood! I decided just in spite of it all to go ahead and buy my Campbell's Tomato soup for 5 bucks!  Why the heck not, the German soup was not much cheaper and I had mentioned earlier I was in a mood!!!!

I must admit I am feeling a bit better after venting, of course the Macchiato and chocolate might have been the trick. Grrr guess I will need to walk those K-cals off now hmmm

until next time


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